Creating Your Ideal Birth Plan

This is a starting point, use the method of writing your birth plan that suits you and your family.  Dreaming is encouraged! Step out of reality a little bit and use your imagination. “The first step in writing a birth plan is to dream.  Let go of all the ‘shoulds’ and pressing realities that circumscribe your choices. Let yourself visualize the perfect, ideal birth for you.  Trust that later you can add in reality.  Right now, let loose your feelings and your imagination.  It’s OK to invoke magic in your dream birth.  Think through all the stages of labor: early, READ MORE

I get to teach! Birth and the First Three Months

Update!  I am no longer teaching for Pregnancy Arts as Deb has retired from CBE and commenced her career as a Certified Nurse Midwife!  It’s very exciting for her, and our area is very lucky to have her in that roll.  Therefore, I will continue teaching at Ypsi-Arbor Childbirth Education, Ariana and my joint venture.  Check us out! It’s happening! I get to teach childbirth education! This has been a dream for awhile, and while I have taught a few private classes here and there, I haven’t found a class model that I really wanted to teach in a group READ MORE